Cason got to ice sled behind the ranger which he loved!!!
Kinslee thought she wanted to but when we got dressed for it she didn't want any part of it.
We were probably outside long enough to take a few pics! It was too cold for us girls!!!
Last Thursday (Dec 12th) Kinslee had a check up here at the Abilene Cook Clinic with a doctor from the Cook Clinic in Ft Worth. She started having a runny nose and cough that week but the doctor said she looked great and sounded fine. He suggested zyrtec but I had already started that earlier in the week. My kiddos usually have really bad allergies this time of year so I usually give it to them the minute they get a runny nose. They didn't have to check her numbers that day but she had been feeling so well that we weren't concerned. She was very happy about this clinic visit because they told her no pokes :)
happy girl after a great check-up :)
Kinslee running around and playing dress up in her
"Super Kins" Minnie Mouse costume!
A special Thank you to Hailie Hubbard for the awesome Minnie Mouse super girl cape!!!
She loves it! She runs around saying "Super Kins" and "Fighter Kins"
matching Christmas jammies :)
Always being silly!!
They can be sweet to each other sometimes :)
We celebrated Wednesday night (Dec 18th) Kinslee's last dose of her oral chemo she was on for the past 28 days (which she handled very well after I figured out she needed a little nausea medicine with it at bed time every night)! Then on Thursday we were supposed to start the next phase called Interim Maintenance I but Kinslee's blood counts were way too low to start this next round of chemo! We were very sad about this but this is something that is going to happen here and there! Leukemia is a number's game. That's why they check her counts each week. We were just blindsided by her numbers because she has been feeling so good and hasn't been sick. Her ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) was 200 and has never been below 1100! Anything below 500 is considered very high risk for infection! :( So we were shocked! Since she has never had low counts we had no idea how she would feel with low numbers so we just assumed her numbers would be good enough to get her chemo and start the next phase of treatment! We will check her counts again next Thursday after Christmas and if they are 750 or higher she will get her chemo treatments and begin Day 1 of 56 days of this next phase! She will be getting chemo every 10 days during this phase as long as her counts are high enough so please pray that her counts come up this week so we can begin treatments and that they continue to stay high so that her body is at a lower risk for fighting infections! On day 31 of this phase she will need to go to the clinic in Ft Worth for another spinal and chemo but she can have all other treatments here in Abilene during this phase!
We are happy to have a happy little princess to celebrate Christmas with this week! Unfortunately, we will only be celebrating Christmas as a family of four! Sadly we can't be with our families since her numbers are so low! We have to limit her exposure to others right now because her body doesn't have the ability to fight off infections. Hopefully her numbers will be high enough soon so we can get together with our families to celebrate! We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! Thank you for all the love and support! We love you all!