Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kinslee has "kicked" another phase!!!

Cason and Kinslee both were sick the week of Valentine's.  I was worried Kinslee's counts were going to be low since she had been sick but they were right where they needed to be.  She had her last treatment of this phase on February 20th.  It was a smooth day for Kinslee!  We celebrated with ice cream in the car on our drive home!  Kinslee has felt so good since last Thursday's treatment.  She is usually really tired a day or two after but it doesn't slow her down much!  I had posted that the next phase would start on March 6th but I was wrong(my calculations were off a little)...it will start on Monday March 10th as long as Kinslee's counts are good.  So Kinslee has a nice little break before we begin the dreaded phase "Delayed Intensification".  She will have her counts checked this week on Thursday to see how she's doing after her chemo treatments last week.  Then the following week she will have counts checked again on Friday March 7th to make sure she meets the requirements to start the next phase of treatments on Monday the 10th.  On the first day of this next phase Kinslee will have an ECHO test, spinal with spinal chemo, 2 IV chemos given through her port and she will begin steroids again for 7 days.  One of the IV chemos Kinslee will receive is a chemo she has never had before and that makes me nervous.  It can cause slight damage to the heart muscle that is unlikely to have any noticeable effects on heart function therefore she will have an ECHO test done the first day and again sometime during this phase to monitor her heart.  Just like any other chemo drug there are many side effects involved with each one such as nausea, vomiting, hair loss and fewer white blood cells, red cells and platelets in the blood.  However, this particular chemo drug makes me much more nervous.  She has handled and tolerated everything so far and I pray that she continues to keep doing so well.  We are so happy to have the first 3 phases completed!  She only has 2 more to go before making it to maintenance!  Again I want to thank everyone for your continued prayers of healing for Kinslee.  Thank you thank you thank you!!!!   


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