Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kinslee has Kicked another phase

Kinslee has kicked another phase of treatment!!!  Monday night we celebrated the last dose of oral chemo for the dreaded Delayed Intensification phase!  AND....We are so happy to have it behind us now :)  Kinslee did great during this phase!  She amazes me everyday!  It's so hard to believe her little body can handle so much!  She has felt so good and is loving playing outside everyday! 

Last weeks 4 days of treatment went well.  Zofran was Kinslee's best friend but as long as she had it every 6 hours while she was awake she was good to go!  Her counts had dropped from the 4 days of treatment from the week before so we didn't get to get out and do anything fun so we just hung out at the hotel all week.  She felt awesome all week and was very playful!   
Day 1 of 4:  happy girl
Playing with my little ponies while waiting on doctor
Day 2 of 4:  My little diva
Kinslee pushing her iv pole all by herself
like a big girl
Day 3 of 4:  Kinslee ready to head out the door for chemo
(she requested that daddy take her two mornings in a row...
she's becoming a daddy's girl but I think it's bc she's with me 24/7 :) hehe)
Day 4 of 4:  Home sweet Home and so HAPPY!!!
Kinslee will have a nice little break for a few weeks from chemo before starting the next phase of treatment.  Yesterday she had her counts checked and an appointment with Dr. Ray here in the Abilene clinic via telemed.  He was happy with how well she's been feeling :) her counts are in the moderate range for infection (ANC 560 surprisingly up from last Friday when her ANC was 400) and she didn't need blood!  I'm so thankful everyday for the blessings in our lives!!!!  And so grateful that Kinslee is doing so well on treatment.  Next week Kinslee will have another appointment with Dr. Ray via telemed and to check counts.  She should start the next phase called Interim Maintenance II on Tuesday May 13th as long as she makes counts!  Please pray we can continue to keep her fever free!!! Thank you once again for all the love support and prayers!!!  I will never be able to say Thank you enough for all the amazing things our friends and family have done for us!!!!  We love each and everyone of you!  Thanks for getting us through this for Kinslee!!!   



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